Left: The Platinum Jubilee Event (Courtesy of Michael Angus) / Middle: Resident and Ex-Councillor Goff Beck receives The Freedom of the Town / Right: An RNLI Quiz Night at the New Milton Memorial Hall. 

This Website is voluntarily put together and maintained to try to ensure that the Community is kept up-to-date with all of the main Major Events and Activities in the Parish of New Milton.


Stop Press

This section will be used to inform about any cancellations, and closing dates for submissions of applications - in fact any last-minute news about any activities or events.

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Major Events

We will attempt to publicise all major events in the parish of New Milton, and will include contact details for the Organisers and Application Forms for Stalls etc.

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Full details will be provided of all of the major Remembrance events, including the Annual Poppy Appeal by the Royal British Legion and commemorations at the Indian Memorial.

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Keep Informed by EMail

If you want to ensure that you are amongst the first to learn about new events and activities - then please sign up for our Major Events Newsletter. CLICK HERE to sign-up.

Latest Updates

28th August:

The Car Boot Sale on Sunday the 1st of September is in aid of the BBC Children in Need Appeal, and it is understood that Pudsey Bear will be making an appearance.  This is the last Boot Sale of the Season - starting again at the beginning of April.

There is a Change of Band at the next Afternoon of Music on the 1st September.  See more details.

Neighbourcare issues an Urgent Appeal.

Please help us !!

Whilst I am involved with a number of organisations who stage major events and activities, I am also aware that there are numerous other major events and activities of interest to readers of this website, about which I might not have any information.

If you are involved in such major events or activities, please make contact with me on alan.watson@newmilton.net or by calling 07771 754025 and I will do my best to include details on this website if appropriate.